Wonderbox Metal End of Year List – Best Metal of 2023

Welcome to my annual attempt to make sense of the ridiculous amount of good metal albums out there, awaiting discovery by intrepid metal explorers.

2023’s best of list has been one of the more difficult ones to put together, placing-wise, which is one of the reasons that I’m posting it later than I usually do. Even more so than normal many of the slots are interchangeable, and I especially struggled with positions two-nine – if such a thing were possible, they all deserve to be higher! In the end I decided to stop overthinking it and go with my gut, but the usual caveat of these lists being very subjective and subject to change depending on mood, feelings, etc. is larger than normal here.

There are some notable acts missing form the below. Not because they’re not worthy of inclusion, but because there are only so many spaces to be had. In fact, I almost ended up limiting this list to 20, rather than the now-customary 30, as I found it really difficult to know who to include and who not to. In the end I went with the standard 30 so that I could promote a few extra bands, as they absolutely all deserve it.

As for the top position, I wasn’t expecting it to be filled by a band I’d never heard before, playing a style that I don’t listen to as much as I used to. However, I suppose after last year, I shouldn’t have been too surprised.

I do hope you enjoy this list and find some new music to obsess over. Like always, thanks for your support if you have ever visited this site before, and here’s to a great 2024 for as many of us as possible. Continue reading “Wonderbox Metal End of Year List – Best Metal of 2023”

Slomatics – Strontium Fields (Review)

Slomatics - Strontium FieldsSlomatics are a doom metal band from the UK and this is their seventh album.

They’re heavy, they’re doomy, they’re Slomatics. This is a band that I really, really like. Haven’t heard them? As well as this new record, make sure you check out Future Echo Returns, Canyons, and their splits with Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard/MWWB and Yanomamo. Continue reading “Slomatics – Strontium Fields (Review)”

Label Roundup: Majestic Mountain Records – Bogwife, Redscale, Jointhugger, & Grand Cadaver (Reviews)

Wonderbox Metal gets sent a lot of new music, (which is great), but there’s no way that everything can get covered unfortunately, (which is not so great). This new column hopes to redress this balance, if only slightly, by taking a look at a handful of releases that a record label has recently sent out that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

This time we’ll take a look at some releases from Majestic Mountain Records, which is a record label that I’ve only really just discovered via the wonderful Kal-El. I know nothing about the label, but I like what I’m hearing, so let’s delve into some of what they have to offer below… Continue reading “Label Roundup: Majestic Mountain Records – Bogwife, Redscale, Jointhugger, & Grand Cadaver (Reviews)”

Vokonis – Odyssey (Review)

Vokonis - OdysseyThis is the fourth album from Vokonis, a progressive doom metal band from Sweden.

Vokonis’ style mixes together progressive metal with stoner and doom metal, resulting in a colourful and enjoyable collection of tracks. While Mastodon is the obvious reference point, it’s also an inadequate one for Odyssey, as there’s a lot more at play here than simply Mastodon worship. I can also hear elements of bands as diverse as Sleep, Slomatics, Elder, Perihelion Ship, Rush, Khemmis, Alice in Chains, Witchkiss, Monolord, and Black Crown Initiate, to name but a few. Continue reading “Vokonis – Odyssey (Review)”

Spelljammer – Abyssal Trip (Review)

Spelljammer - Abyssal TripSpelljammer are a Swedish doom metal band and this is their second album.

Spelljammer play a form of doom that incorporates elements of stoner metal, sludge, and psychedelic/progressive rock into its makeup. This is then shaped into 43 minutes of satisfying and enjoyable doom, nay, DOOOOM, that really hits the spot. Continue reading “Spelljammer – Abyssal Trip (Review)”

Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard/Slomatics – Totems – Split (Review)

Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard SlomaticsMammoth Weed Wizard Bastard and Slomatics are both doom metal bands from the UK. They have teamed up for this very tasty split release.

Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard open the split, with 23 minutes of their enchanting doom. Continue reading “Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard/Slomatics – Totems – Split (Review)”

Interview with Slomatics

Slomatics Logo

Future Echo Returns is, basically, a great album. Mixing sheer heaviness, colourful vocals, infectious melodies, atmospheric synths and a real emotional connection to the listener, I simply can’t say enough good things about this record. So I won’t bother trying – just make sure you get your claws on it and let the band sweep you away. David, the band’s guitarist, took the time to tell us all about the album, his band, and life in general…

Introduce us to Slomatics!

Hi. We’re a three piece based in Belfast, Ireland. The line up is Marty on drums/vocals/synths, Chris on guitar and I’m on guitar too. We formed in 2004, toured and put out a couple of albums and some splits. Marty joined us in 2011 and that’s really when things kicked off. Continue reading “Interview with Slomatics”