Antimony – Ending (Review)

Antimony - EndingThis is the debut album from US one-man black metal act Antimony.

Antimony’s black metal is a combination of the progressive, atmospheric, and melodic styles. These are mixed together to produce lengthy songs that describe a journey into existential dread. The promo blurb states that it’s reminiscent of Moonsorrow, Mgła, and Drudkh, and this should give an appropriate starting reference for the style you’ll find on Ending. Continue reading “Antimony – Ending (Review)”

Pakkt – To Brocken Heights Where Witches Dance (Review)

Pakkt - To Brocken Heights Where Witches DanceArmed only with the album cover and the briefest promo blurb I’ve probably ever seen simply identifying this as black metal, I decided to take a chance on it. In fact, I’ll reproduce the promo text in its entirety here – Continue reading “Pakkt – To Brocken Heights Where Witches Dance (Review)”

Mütterlein – Bring Down the Flags (Review)

Mütterlein - Bring Down the FlagsThis is the second album from Mütterlein, a one-woman experimental band from France.

After being really struck by the quality of Mütterlein’s split with Limbes from earlier in the year, I was looking forward to getting to grips with what Bring Down the Flags had to offer. Continue reading “Mütterlein – Bring Down the Flags (Review)”

Tardigrada – Vom Bruch bis zur Freiheit (Review)

Tardigrada - Vom Bruch bis zur FreiheitTardigrada are a black metal band from Switzerland and this is their second album.

Vom Bruch bis zur Freiheit is 59 minutes long and contains four massive songs. Before each one of these sits a brief intro/interlude track, and against all expectations these are actually decent moments of rare calm and reflection amidst the atmospheric and emotive storms of the main songs. Continue reading “Tardigrada – Vom Bruch bis zur Freiheit (Review)”

Dakhma – Blessings of Amurdad (Review)

Dakhma - Blessings of AmurdadDakhma are a blackened death metal band from Switzerland and this is their second album.

Dakhma play an exotic form of blackened death metal that’s Zoroastrian-themed and highly detailed. Epic in scope and execution, Blessings of Amurdad offers a highly atmospheric exploration of extreme metal, without sacrificing the meaty, brutal riffs. The music is imbued with Middle Eastern influences that come to life not only Continue reading “Dakhma – Blessings of Amurdad (Review)”

Soul Remnants – Raising the Sacrificial Dagger (Review)

Soul Remnants - Raising the Sacrificial DaggerSoul Remnants are a death metal band from the US and this is their fourth album.

Following on from 2013’s Black and Blood and 2017’s Ouroboros, Soul Remnants have now returned with their longest album to date – 50 minutes of new material. If you’re unfamiliar with the band, a mix of old The Haunted and Hypocrisy, (with the occasional dash of Kataklysm and Amon Amarth), is a decent enough starting point to gain an initial idea of how their music roughly sounds, (although this is by no means a comprehensive description). Continue reading “Soul Remnants – Raising the Sacrificial Dagger (Review)”

Funeral Mist – Deiform (Review)

Funeral Mist - DeiformThis is the fourth album from Swedish black metal solo act Funeral Mist.

The follow up to 2018’s vicious Hekatomb, Deiform contains 54 minutes of new material. It is an atmospheric and immersive release, filled with grandeur and weighty concepts and themes. Continue reading “Funeral Mist – Deiform (Review)”

Phenocryst – Explosions (Review)

Phenocryst - ExplosionsPhenocryst are a Portuguese death metal band and this is their debut EP.

This 23-minute EP erupts with the sort of underground death metal that impresses on first listen and then simply gets better on subsequent ones. Continue reading “Phenocryst – Explosions (Review)”