Tesseract – Concealing Fate

tesseractDo you like a bit of djent, but find most bands who play it sound the same?  Then Tesseract could could be the band for you. This EP from 2010, with a different singer to now, mixes the djent style with a more progressive edge to create a very enjoyable experience across the 27 minutes it plays for.

The EP is essentially one long song broken into 6 parts, and thankfully their skill is equal to their ambition.  Initially when I listened to this album I thought it was okay, but was not until subsequent listens that I decided that I did indeed very much enjoy it.

If you’re looking for your metal with a slightly different feel than average then check them out.



Plague Widow – Plague Widow

plaguewidowModern Death Grind at its best.  Admittedly there is some overly long intro/outro stuff going on, but the actual grind tracks themselves are very satisfying indeed.

Sometimes bands of this ilk can be let down by a poor production or poor vocals, but this is not the case here.  A good production with a massive sound adds a pleasing layer of heaviness to the package, and the guttural vocals are those of a seasoned pro, sure to please anyone who enjoys their death grunts nice and deep, without descending into silly pig-squeal territory.

I strongly recommend this release.  Enjoy.

Find out more –



Valtari – Fragments of a Nightmare

valtariMelodic Death Metal in the vein of Dark Tranquillity.  Well written and well recorded; if you like the Gothenburg style of metal then you’ll be more than happy with this album.

I’m quite enjoying the songwriting on display here, and there is certainly an obvious passion for this style of music evident throughout.  The album is especially impressive when you consider that it is all the product of just one man: Marty Warren.

If you’d like to hear more –




Xerath – II

xerathIIElements of djent, atmospheric black metal, and modern metal collide to create a hugely enjoyable 56 minutes-or-so of music.  Like all good albums it’s a grower too and takes its time to worm its way into your subconscious.

Favourite track? The last one – The Glorious Death: I – Divine Rapture, II – A New Awakening – 8:33 of cinematic metal that makes me very happy I discovered this talented band.

Interested?  Check them out  –

