Allfather – A Violent Truth (Review)

Allfather - A Violent TruthThis is the third album from UK sludge metal band Allfather.

A Violent Truth is a 27-minute kick to the head. This is ugly sludge metal played in the way that that it should be played; raw, honest, and brutal. Continue reading “Allfather – A Violent Truth (Review)”

Raging Speedhorn – Hard to Kill (Review)

Raging Speedhorn - Hard to KillRaging Speedhorn are a sludge metal band from the UK. This is their sixth album.

Hard to Kill is the follow up to 2016’s Lost Ritual, and it’s a beast of an album. Revitalised with a new lineup, including a new vocalist, (the band have two if you’re unfamiliar with them), the album is 33 Continue reading “Raging Speedhorn – Hard to Kill (Review)”

Gurt – Skullossus (Review)

GurtThis is the second album from UK sludge metal band Gurt.

This is heavy sludge metal, full of crushing groove and caustic vocals. Influenced by the Eyehategod school of thuggery, (but not limited to it), Skullossus is 40 minutes of romping sludge belligerence. Continue reading “Gurt – Skullossus (Review)”

Burke and Hare – Burke and Hare (Review)

Burke and HareBurke and Hare are a UK sludge metal band and this is their debut EP.

Here we have just over 12 minutes of ugly heaviness, just the we like it for this kind of sludge-driven hideousness. Continue reading “Burke and Hare – Burke and Hare (Review)”

Razor Sharp Death Blizzard – You Will Burn (Review)

Razor Sharp Death BlizzardRazor Sharp Death Blizzard are from the UK and play hardcore.

The UK seems to have such a knack for producing some of the angriest, filthiest, nastiest extreme music out there, and Razor Sharp Death Blizzard are a great addition to the wealth of talent that’s available from the country.

This is 36 minutes of hardcore punk and ugly sludge metal that recalls a good mix of Continue reading “Razor Sharp Death Blizzard – You Will Burn (Review)”

Kalloused – Damn You Believer (Review)

KallousedThis is the debut release from Kalloused, a UK blackened sludge/doom band.

Kalloused have a powerfully heavy sound that they still manage to insert nuance into when the need arises. This release features a plethora of textured riffs that manage to show a certain degree of subtlety and finesse even when they’re smashing your skull in.

The band have a black metal element Continue reading “Kalloused – Damn You Believer (Review)”

Tides of Sulfur – Extinction Curse (Review)

Tides of SulphurThis is the début album from Tides of Sulfur, a death/sludge metal band from the UK.

Like The Dead, Tides of Sulfur combine death and sludge metal together into a hideous, swampy mass. Also like The Dead, it’s hard to know whether to categorise them as death metal or sludge metal. Essentially it doesn’t really matter, I suppose, as the band manage to provide a pretty good synthesis of the two on Extinction Curse.

This is heavy, heavy, heavy. Continue reading “Tides of Sulfur – Extinction Curse (Review)”

Interview with Raging Speedhorn

Raging Speedhorn Header

After being away for far too long, the UK’s mighty Raging Speedhorn are finally back in action with the equally mighty Lost Ritual. John Loughlin, (one half of the ban’s vocal duo), brought me up to speed with everything going on in the Speedhorn camp…

Introduce us to Raging Speedhorn!

Raging Speedhorn are 6 guys playing music they love and having fun doing it. We sometimes enjoy a beer or 2 while doing this, we played shows and released albums between 1998 and 2008, had a 6 year break then started to play shows again in 2014, we’ve now recorded a new album and are ready get back out there and do it all again.

What are your influences?

We all listen to a lot of different music so it’s kinda hard to pin point influences but you can hear a lot of them in our music if you listen for it. Continue reading “Interview with Raging Speedhorn”

Raging Speedhorn – Lost Ritual (Review)

Raging SpeedhornRaging Speedhorn are a sludge metal band from the UK. This is their fifth album.

After their ultimately very enjoyable, but quite different, fourth album Before the Sea Was Built, the band called it a day. After a self-resurrection, the mighty Raging Speedhorn have now returned with their latest release.

Questions abound – what will it sound like? What kind of style have they embraced? Well, the only thing to be done is to press play and find out… Continue reading “Raging Speedhorn – Lost Ritual (Review)”