Fortress Festival 2024 – Scarborough Spa, Scarborough, 01-02/06/24 (Live Review)

Fotress Festival 2024

What an incredible lineup this is. I mean, just look at it. It’s ridiculous. I’ve never been to Fortress Festival before, (this is its second year), or Scarborough, but this was an event not to be missed. My words below won’t really do justice to what a great festival this was, but hopefully you’ll get a flavour of it at the very least.

Before we get into it – if you’ve ever read one of my live reviews previously you’ll notice that the quality of the photos used here far, far, far outstrips my usual meagre efforts. This is because I didn’t take them. I’m enormously pleased to say that they very talented Aleksandra Hogg captured and supplied all of these photos, and I urge you to check out her work at Acidolka here, here, or here. Continue reading “Fortress Festival 2024 – Scarborough Spa, Scarborough, 01-02/06/24 (Live Review)”

Bait – Revelation of the Pure (Review)

Bait - Revelation of the PureBait are a German blackened hardcore band and this is their debut album.

Featuring a member of Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Bait play post-black metal with hardcore bite. Offering 45 minutes of aggressive darkness, Revelation of the Pure is a worthy listen. Continue reading “Bait – Revelation of the Pure (Review)”

Regarde les Hommes Tomber – Ascension (Review)

Regarde les Hommes Tomber - AscensionThis is the third album from French post-black metallers Regarde les Hommes Tomber.

Regarde les Hommes Tomber play post-black metal that takes a forward-thinking approach to its content. Blending in elements of sludge and minor aspects of death metal, the band’s music is an atmospheric and modern take on blackened art. Continue reading “Regarde les Hommes Tomber – Ascension (Review)”

Heir – Au Peuple de l’Abîme (Review)

HeirThis is the debut album from French post-black metallers Heir.

So what makes this post-black metal? Well, that would be the sludge and hardcore influences that are liberally strewn around. Continue reading “Heir – Au Peuple de l’Abîme (Review)”