Nuclear Tomb – Terror Labyrinthian (Review)

Nuclear Tomb - Terror LabyrinthianNuclear Tomb are a death/thrash metal band from the US and this is their debut album.

Nuclear Tomb play an intriguing mix of death and thrash metal that combines a ferocious attack with progressive wanderings and idiosyncratic layers. Exploding across 33 minutes, Terror Labyrinthian impresses with its ambition, scope, and beating heart of passionate steel. Continue reading “Nuclear Tomb – Terror Labyrinthian (Review)”

Devastator – Conjurers of Cruelty (Review)

Devastator - Conjurers of CrueltyThis is the second album from UK black/thrash metallers Devastator.

Conjurers of Cruelty boasts 51 minutes of material, (44 without the two bonus tracks), delivering a feast of filthy riffs, corroded teeth, and overgrown claws. Continue reading “Devastator – Conjurers of Cruelty (Review)”

Inculter – Morbid Origin (Review)

Inculter - Morbid OriginInculter are a thrash metal band from Norway and this is their third album.

Many, many, many moons ago thrash metal was one of my favourite genres. However, when compared to other genres these days, thrash just doesn’t hold my attention like it once used to. However, this is where Inculter come in to show people how it’s done. Their classic thrash attack hits the sweet spot between old-school hero worship and contemporary passionate energy. Continue reading “Inculter – Morbid Origin (Review)”

Intent – Exile (Review)

Intent - ExileThis is the second album from US thrash metal band Intent.

Intent play classic thrash metal with a brutal, aggressive edge.

Intent furiously tear through 39 minutes of blistering thrash. The band like to play fast, and do so Continue reading “Intent – Exile (Review)”

Hell Fire – Reckoning (Review)

Hell Fire - ReckoningThis is the fourth album from US metal band Hell Fire.

Hell Fire play a nostalgic mix of heavy and thrash metal, taking influence from the NWOBHM and the 80s Bay Area respectively. Reckoning is a 45-minute true metal ride. Continue reading “Hell Fire – Reckoning (Review)”

Algebra – Pulse? (Review)

Algebra - Pulse

This is the third album from Algebra, a thrash metal band from Switzerland.

Having been impressed with 2014’s Feed the Ego, it’s been far too large of a gap between Algebra releases for my liking. Well, there’s almost an hour of material on Pulse?, including a fiery Sepultura cover, so I feel like the band have made up for their absence. Continue reading “Algebra – Pulse? (Review)”