Cistvaen – At Light’s Demise (Review)

Cistvaen - At Light's DemiseThis is the debut album from UK atmospheric black metallers Cistvaen.

I like this form of atmospheric black metal, and I like it even more when it’s played with a weighty doom component, as it is here. The promo blurb mentions bands like Agalloch, Fen, My Dying Bride, Alcest, Insomnium, Wolves in the Throne Room, and Winterfylleth, amongst others, so this should give you a good starting point for approaching the 58 minutes of music on At Light’s Demise. Continue reading “Cistvaen – At Light’s Demise (Review)”

Earthen Altar – Earthen Altar (Review)

Earthen Altar - Earthen AltarThis is the debut album from US black metal band Earthen Altar.

Earthen Altar play nature-inspired atmospheric black metal informed by the Cascadian style., but not restricted to it. Earthen Altar contains three tracks with a total duration of 27 minutes. Before we start, prepare yourself, as this is a colossally strong release. Continue reading “Earthen Altar – Earthen Altar (Review)”

Standard Interrogation Techniques: Five Questions for Fen (Interview)

Although I’d ideally love to be able to conduct hard-hitting, in-depth interviews, who has the time these days? In lieu of this, I’ve thrown together the below question template, hopefully to gather some interesting and informative results, without taking up too much of anyone’s time.

Introduce yourself – who are you and what do you do?

I am The Watcher – I play guitar and perform vocals. Continue reading “Standard Interrogation Techniques: Five Questions for Fen (Interview)”

Fen – Monuments to Absence (Review)

Fen - Monuments to AbsenceFen are a UK black metal band and this is their seventh album.

I last caught up with Fen on their 2017 album Winter. Apparently they’ve had another album since then, (The Dead Light), which I somehow managed to completely miss, which is a shame. Regardless, it’s now time for Monuments to Absence and its 67 minutes of music to absorb. Continue reading “Fen – Monuments to Absence (Review)”

Krigsgrav – Fires in the Fall (Review)

Krigsgrav - Fires in the FallKrisgrav are a black metal band from the US and this is their seventh album.

I haven’t caught up with Krigsgrav since their 2016 album Waves of Degradation, so it’s good to check in with them once more. Fires in the Fall contains 53 minutes of new material and reveals some changes to the band’s sound, which can be roughly and facetiously summarised as shorter songs, more doom. Continue reading “Krigsgrav – Fires in the Fall (Review)”

Fellwarden – Wreathed in Mourncloud (Review)

Fellwarden - Wreathed in MourncloudFellwarden are a black metal band from the UK, and this is their second album.

Brought to us by members of Fen, Wreathed in Mourncloud delivers 59 minutes of atmospheric black metal with a folk edge. Continue reading “Fellwarden – Wreathed in Mourncloud (Review)”

Frigoris – …In Stille (Review)

Frigoris - .​.​.​In StilleThis is the fourth album from Frigoris, an atmospheric post-black metal band from Germany.

Frigoris’ post-black metal is atmospheric and immersive, and as you journey across this 65-minute album, you’ll also discover aspects of doom, progressive metal, and post-rock that are incorporated into the music’s textured tapestry. Continue reading “Frigoris – …In Stille (Review)”

Ashbringer – Absolution (Review)

Ashbringer - AbsolutionAshbringer are an atmospheric black metal band from the US and this is their third album.

Ashbringer’s black metal combines aggressive blackness with melodic sensibilities and folk-influenced post-rock reflection. Elements of bands such as Fen, Agalloch, Falls of Rauros, Amiensus, and Alcest can be heard, but moulded and channelled through Ashbringer’s own collective experiences and personality. Continue reading “Ashbringer – Absolution (Review)”

Eoront – Another Realm (Review)

EorontEoront are a Russian black metal band and this is their second album.

Playing keyboard enriched atmospheric black metal with a deep mystical side, Eoront’s latest album contains over an hour of sprawling, epic music. Continue reading “Eoront – Another Realm (Review)”

Mountains Crave – As We Were When We Were Not (Review)

Mountains CraveMountains Crave are a UK black metal band and this is their debut album.

This is black metal that skilfully builds progressive, atmospheric, and post-metal elements into its construction. Continue reading “Mountains Crave – As We Were When We Were Not (Review)”