Ruadh – 1296 (Review)

Ruadh - 1296This is the fourth album from Scottish epic black metallers Ruadh.

Oh dear, it’s taken me an obscene amount of time to finally check out Ruadh, after thoroughly enjoying them at this year’s Reaper Festival. Ah well, better late than never, and 1296 has definitely been worth the wait. Continue reading “Ruadh – 1296 (Review)”

Reaper Festival 2023 – Day One: Saturday – Ultha/Darkher/Coscradh/Dawn Ray’d/The Sun’s Journey Through the Night/Ruadh/Calligram/Cairns – Derby The Hairy Dog, 29/07/23 (Live Review)

Reaper Festival 2023I’ve never been to The Hairy Dog before, but it’s a great venue with a good vibe and good sound system. I don’t actually think I’ve ever been to Derby before at all, but if anything was going to entice me here, it was this year’s Reaper Festival, brought to us by the wonderful Reaper Agency UK. It was a great day overall, and I’d gladly attend such a well-organised show again. Sadly I could only make day one of the festival, which is a shame, as day two has many great bands too. Continue reading “Reaper Festival 2023 – Day One: Saturday – Ultha/Darkher/Coscradh/Dawn Ray’d/The Sun’s Journey Through the Night/Ruadh/Calligram/Cairns – Derby The Hairy Dog, 29/07/23 (Live Review)”