Crypt Sermon – The Stygian Rose (Review)

Crypt Sermon - The Stygian RoseThis is the third album from US doom metal band Crypt Sermon.

If you haven’t encountered Crypt Sermon before, the promo blurb recommends them for fans of Candlemass, Khemmis, Visigoth, Eternal Champion, King Diamond, and Solitude Aeternus, which should give you a decent idea of what to expect on Stygian Rose. Across 45 minutes Crypt Sermon deliver the goods in epic style.

Boasting in their ranks current/ex-members of bands such as Daeva, Horrendous, Trenchrot, Majesties, Obsequiae, and Unrest, Crypt Sermon have a lot of experience in a range of different genres, and their abilities clearly translate into doom metal too.

Combining dark heavy metal with epic doom metal, Crypt Sermon’s material is charismatic and confident. The band know what they’re doing is good, and they know they have the talent to pull off an invigorating collection of tracks in what is an by now a truly ancient genre. You can feel the weight of history lurking behind The Stygian Rose, but Crypt Sermon merely use this a fuel for their personable brand of doom metal.

The key to the success of The Stygian Rose is a winning combination of skilled songwriting and masterful delivery. There are hooks, there’s atmosphere, there’s powerful presence. There is also more nuance and texture here than is usual for the style; amidst the galloping riffs and thunderous heaviness you’ll also find percussive grace, layered keyboards, and intricate melody. Crypt Sermon offer more than simple songs with strong choruses, (although there are plenty of those), and instead treat the listener to a full, well-rounded sonic experience. That they also know how to kick out the jams like a maniac is merely a bonus. Crypt Sermon’s singer has a lot of personality and his performance draws the listener in. His voice reminds me of Jon Oliva, but without being overly reminiscent so as to be off-putting. I like his voice a lot.

This really scratches my old-school doom metal itch. This year has been sorely lacking an album like this, but not any more. Crypt Sermon have produced an immensely strong album, and if you’ve a taste for the style then The Stygian Rose is utterly essential.

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