Cobra the Impaler – Karma Collision (Review)

Cobra the Impaler - Karma CollisionCobra the Impaler are a Belgian metal band and this is their second album.

I enjoyed 2022’s Colossal Gods, so it’s great to have some new music from Cobra the Impaler. Across 52 minutes Karma Collision demonstrates that Colossal Gods was merely an appetiser, as now we have the main course. 

Karma Collision takes the style of its predecessor and refines it. These new songs sound polished and honed, while losing none of the charismatic personality that was developed on Colossal Gods. Once again mixing together choice aspects of thrash, stoner, progressive, and classic heavy metal, Cobra the Impaler have crafted a collection of tracks that showcase their personable style well.

The hooks are strong and never ending. This is a band that have riffs, melodies, and vocals that are all just top notch. There’s a catchiness to Karma Collision that’s striking. The band’s debut was infectious and moreish, but Karma Collision has decided it wasn’t enough, and it needed MORE HOOKS ALL THE TIME. Damn, it delivered. The record makes an impact upon your first listen, but after that it’s just a full-on charge straight into your eats and right into the meat of your brain.

Colossal Gods was a very enjoyable record that showed an abundance of talent of promise for the future. On Karma Collision that promise has been realised. Cobra the Impaler are surely destined for big things once this gets out into the wild as it’s simply that good. Are you a fan of song-based catchy metal songs? Of course you are, so this is an essential listen for you.

For fans of bands like Metallica, Mastodon, Alice in Chains, Megadeth, etc.

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