Whoredom Rife – Den Vrede Makt (Review)

Whoredom Rife - Den Vrede MaktWhoredom Rife are a Norwegian black metal band and this is their fourth album.

Containing an ex-member of Keep of Kalessin, Whoredom Rife bring us a scathing slice of classic Norwegian black metal. Den Vrede Makt delivers 50 minutes of material played with authentic passion and lethal skill.

The songs on Den Vrede Makt are forged from the unholy building blocks of traditional black metal, yet also carry within themselves a burning contemporary fire. This blending of old-school might and modern execution is infectious, and one of the reasons that this album is so strong.

Whoredom Rife have a potent presence. Blistering blast beats and harsh aggression is twinned with forlorn melody and melancholic atmosphere. It’s an unbeatable combination in black metal, and the band play it with consummate skill. The songwriting and performances across these six songs are tight and well-developed, making for highly enjoyable music. It’s immersive and carries a depth of texture that holds the attention with ease, while also delivering the sort of cold blackened violence that’s withering.

Den Vrede Makt succeeds in recalling the ancient days of black metal, when bands like Emperor, Satyricon, and Mayhem ruled with an iron fist. However, it also does more than this; Den Vrede Makt offers is its own dark experience, one to be savoured and hungrily devoured by those devoted to the dark gods of black metal.

If you’re a fan of the style then Den Vrede Makt is one not to be missed. It’s an album that many will look to as a high point in 2024, and rightfully so.

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