Andracca – To Bare the Weight of Death (Review)

Andracca - To Bare the Weight of DeathAndracca are a black metal band from the UK and this is their second album.

To Bare the Weight of Death clocks in at 39 minutes long and showcases a capable band playing a style they clearly love. Andracca weave the their dark magic through a mixture of melodic malevolence, bleak blackened fury, sinister atmosphere, and classic icy might.

That To Bear the Weight of Death is an album that has been primarily inspired by the 90s second wave is not up for debate. However, Andracca do not exist for that era alone. The occasional contemporary flourish can be heard here and there, whether this is felt in the dark otherworldly touch of dissonance to a particular guitar part, or a more modern expression of the aggressive blackened arts. This is all tastefully subsumed into the storm of darkness that is these six songs, making for an album that travels from the past to the present with impunity as it wants, when it wants.

The band assail the listener with a selection of speeds, feelings, riffs, and ideas. There are some wonderful guitar solos, which add a non-standard side to the classic formula, the melodies are firmly and tastefully embedded, and the subtle use of tension and dark atmospherics work effectively. The faster parts are raging maelstroms of fierce intent, while the slower sections allow the band’s macabre tendencies to develop further. Whatever the music is doing at any given point though, it’s passionately performed throughout, and imbued with emotive force.

To Bear the Weight of Death is the sort of record that makes a good first impression, but really leaves its mark over time. Andracca’s music is well-crafted and substantial, offering connoisseurs the chance to explore a real underground gem.

Very highly recommended.