Abhoria – Depths (Review)

Abhoria - DepthsAbhoria are a black metal band from the US and this is their second album.

Featuring members of the mighty Ashen Horde, Depths is the 45-minute follow up Abhoria’s 2022’s self-titled record. There’s a new vocalist this time around too, (from In the Company of Serpents), who delivers a visceral performance throughout, with savage screams and world-swallowing growls.

Like its predecessor, Depths is inspired by the classic era of second wave black metal, but delivers the style with modern presence, production, and execution. Depths is a portrait of urban terror and dystopian decay, underpinned by the cold frozen landscape of the forests at night.

Depths takes an individual approach to its source material, further developing the sound that Abhoria started with on their debut album. It’s a well-written affair, showcasing technical ability and intricate skill, while still creating songs that are both aggressive and atmospheric.

Abhoria may take influence from traditional black metal, but Depths is its own beast. It offers a modern interpretation of the style, frequently using riffs, melodies, and ideas that are more contemporary in nature. These are wrapped up in older songwriting tools, making for an enticing mix of old and new. The band regularly deploy dissonance to enhance their storytelling too, lacing the music with a darkness that works well with the music’s bleak melodies and aggressive worldbuilding.

Depths should appeal to fans of modern black metal who want their music to have older foundations, allowing for strong structures to be built. Abhoria have the craft to achieve this, and demonstrate this well on Depths.

Highly recommended.

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