Cult of Erinyes – Metempsychosis (Review)

Cult of Erinyes - MetempsychosisThis is the fifth album from Belgian black metallers Cult of Erinyes.

Since last catching up with Cult of Erinyes on 2016’s Transcendence and 2017’s Tiberivs, the band have changed vocalist, (now Déhà from Acathexis, C.O.A.G., Silver Knife, Slow, We All Die (Laughing), Merda Mundi, and countless others), and released another EP and album, both of which I unfortunately missed. Which brings us to the 44 minutes of material on Metempsychosis.

Metempsychosis contains only two tracks, but both breach the 20-minute mark with ease. The songs are sprawling, immersive, and each is a world unto itself. Bringing together modern black metal, atmospheric depth, emotive melody, dark ambient spaciousness, and aggressive mood-building, the songs are well-crafted exemplars of long-form songwriting.

This is music that’s not for the uninitiated, as frequently Cult of Erinyes deliver the sort of witheringly brutal aggression that’s murderous. There’s an imposing ferocity here, one that walks a fine line between atmospheric absorption and a contemporary black metal assault that’s outright scathing.  The band demonstrate a keen understanding of blackened intensity, and shape their dark art into lengthy compositions that take you on a cosmic journey into death.

A range of moods and feelings are experienced as you travel through Metempsychosis. Altars of blackened doom are raised and torn down with careful impunity. The dark fingertips of a dissonant touch can be felt, slithering across your skin as you try to ignore its lethal attentions. An introspective mien manifests at key points, allowing you to breathe and take stock of the soundscapes that Cult of Erinyes have built around you. All the time a pervading aura of darkness seeps into your every pore, chilling to the bone and searing into your mind.

Metempsychosis is a rewarding and captivating record, one that seizes your imagination and concurrently fires up and satisfies your transcendental yearnings. Cult of Erinyes have produced an album that encompasses many strengths that modern black metal has to offer, and if you’re a fan of the style, this is one not to be missed.

Find out more here and here.

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