Parfaxitas – Weaver of the Black Moon (Review)

Parfaxitas - Weaver of the Black MoonThis is the debut album from Parfaxitas, an international black metal band.

Weaver of the Black Moon is brought to us by members of Manetheren, Sinmara, Suffering Hour, Whoredom Rife, Wormlust, which means that you can immediately be assured that Parfaxitas know what they’re doing.

Weaver of the Black Moon contains 47 minutes of black metal that’s intricate, atmospheric, and absorbing. Parfaxitas have a talent for bringing a diverse set of ingredients together into a rewarding whole. The band take elements from old and new influences and forge them into something consistently engaging and impactful. Weaver of the Black Moon has an addictive quality to it that is enriched by the material’s esoteric nature, resulting in an album that you’ll keep wanting to return to.

The music possesses a haunting beauty, riven by darkness and fiery potency. The songs are empowered by spectral aggression, enriched by the snaking tendrils of dissonance, and saturated in cosmic terror. There is a melodic capability built into these songs that’s striking, yet also embedded enough to allow all aspects of the music to share this arcane space equally. Sitting atop everything like a malevolent overlord are the dark snarled utterances of the daemonic singer, who delivers a performance worthy of the magic that the instruments invoke.

This is a well-crafted slice of supreme black metal art, that’s for sure. It’s atmospherically dense, darkly dissonant, and venomously infectious. Parfaxitas have carved a deep gouge in the blackened landscape they inhabit, and exploring the aftermath is a glorious experience.

Don’t miss this.

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