Dusk Cult – Night Sky Revelations (Review)

Dusk Cult - Night Sky RevelationsDusk Cult are an Australian black metal band and this is their second album.

Brought to us by members of Be’lakor and Rainshadow, Night Sky Revelations contains 43 minutes of enticing black metal. Dusk Cult have impressed with their brand of blackened extremity.

Dusk Cult play searing black metal, with a beguiling mixture of intensity, melody, aggression, and atmosphere. Night Sky Revelations takes influence not only from the second wave of black metal, but from more contemporary sources too. There’s also a splash of death metal might here and there, as well as a touch of gloomy doom and some minor folk influences. It’s an engaging blend of cold vicious atavism and refined modern delivery.

The songs are written by people with a clear understanding of structure, dynamics, flow, and payoff. Well-built from choice riffs, emotive melodies, and dark presence, each of the songs represents the band’s vision well. Dusk Cult deal in hooks as well as visceral blackened hostility, and the songs are satisfying and moreish because of this.

Dusk Cult are adept at producing notable riffs and rhythms, as well as blistering speed. The melodic skill on display here is well-developed and executed, and the use of keyboards is effective and not over-used. The vocals are a combination of high-pitched screams and deeper growls, which is a really enjoyable approach. There is even some clean singing in places. All of the deliveries complement each other well, and make for a compelling focal points for music that has a strong package overall.

Night Sky Revelations is a distinctly above average black metal release. The well-crafted songs offer very enjoyable and rewarding listens. With a degree of variation that allows the album to flow very smoothly from song to song, a balanced approach to savagery and atmosphere, and a production that’s powerful and clear, Night Sky Revelations is a potent experience from start to finish.

Night Sky Revelations boasts a strong collection of tracks, that’s for sure. Discerning fans of the the style would be advised to check this one out as soon as possible. It’s an undiscovered gem that definitely deserves a wider audience.

Very highly recommended.

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