Scene Queen – Hot Singles in Your Area (Review)

Scene Queen - Hot Singles in Your AreaThis is the debut album from US solo metalcore band Scene Queen.

Now for something a little different. The artist behind Scene Queen offers up a clash of metalcore and chart music that’s shockingly good. It almost doesn’t need stating that this is not the sort of thing I gravitate to normally, but this is simply too good to pass up; as soon as I gave it a chance, I knew it had me.

So, what happens when you combine metallic heaviness with dancefloor hooks and righteous anger? You get Hot Singles in Your Area; 37 minutes of meaty guitars and pop catchiness. It shouldn’t work, but it really does. It’s a hideously fun album with a serious message. What’s not to like?

Despite its many contemporary influences, it actually reminds me of the 90s in many ways – when nu-metal bands used non-metal elements, and certain rap/techno artists incorporated rock influences. Hot Singles in Your Area has a cross-genre appeal that’s alluring, if you’re of a certain mindset.

Rap, pop, hip hop, techno, country, and electronica are blended seamlessly with metallic guitars and a message that you definitely won’t hear on the average radio station. It’s anthemic, it’s catchy as Hell, and it’s packed with instant hooks. The metal side of the music isn’t actually that large, and on a track like Stuck is absent completely, but Hot Singles in Your Area is such an enjoyable album that it’s hard to complain.

The songs are well-written and stick in the brain almost immediately. The artist behind the band knows how to grab your attention, but then keeps it with a depth of anger and emotive weight. The music is designed to get you moving, but also thinking, all the while it packs in the anthemic choruses and infectious verses like nobody’s business. The artist’s vocals are the standout focal point – she has a very good voice, and is incredibly versatile with it, mastering several styles of delivery with ease. Her performance is impressive throughout.

I bet this is amazing live.

Unexpectedly good fun, but also intelligently crafted, Hot Singles in Your Area is a top album. If you’re looking for something a little different, at least from a metal perspective, then make sure you give this a go.

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