Sunburst – Manifesto (Review)

Sunburst - ManifestoThis is the second album from Greek progressive power metallers Sunburst.

Across 49 minutes Sunburst impress with their cinematic take on progressive metal. Manifesto comes from the point of view of progressive power metal, (think Kamelot, Cloudscape, Threshold, and Pagan’s Mind), but also contains minor touches of a more contemporary perspective, one that primarily manifests in some of the riffs and drums. It’s not strong, but it’s there in places. Apart from this, Manifesto is pure 00s progressive power metal worship.

I have to say, the result is compelling.

Musically and vocally it’s very reminiscent of Kamelot’s Roy Kahn era, yet also differentiates itself from this in its own right – this has more  of a progressive metal flavour, for a start. The vocalist has a very strong voice, (and reminds me hugely of Roy Khan), and the band are skilled enough to pull it all off. Ultimately though, Manifesto is of such high quality that my reservations about such similarities are washed away in a sea of warm melodic colour. Sunburst really know what they’re doing.

There is a crunchy heaviness here that I like, enhanced with good riffs and melodic colour. Orchestral elements and keyboards enrich further, taking the band’s music higher into the realms of expressive atmosphere. The well-written songs are infectious and effortlessly catchy. If you’re allergic to this style then this won’t convince you, but Manifesto makes me incredibly nostalgic for the 00s, when I was heavily into this sort of thing, so I can’t help but just lap it all up. Sunburst have served up a sumptuous decadent feast, and I’m just gorging my giant fat face with wild abandon.

In essence, Manifesto is nothing you haven’t heard before if you’re a fan of this type of style and bands mentioned above. It doesn’t matter one bit though, as Sunburst are just so damn exceptional at what they do. Manifesto has completely trampled my jaded defences with its moreish warmth and mastery of the style.

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