Loth – 616 (Review)

Loth - 616This is the third album from French black metallers Loth.

Loth play a modern form of atmospheric black metal that nonetheless benefits from history’s tutelage. Across 41 minutes the band capably show what they’re capable of, and 616 is a rewarding album that fans of the style would do very well to spend some time with.

616 draws together influences from acts old and new, resulting in a very satisfying form of contemporary black metal. The album mixes elements from bands such as Burzum, Drudkh, Hexis, and Ultha into its own virulent concoction. Loth’s lethal style is an expressive one, and draws you in with its twin pillars of violence and atmosphere, recalling the power of nature in this regard. Loth have an urban feel to them too though, as their atmospheric style is one that’s sharpened with a punk edge in more than one place.

As far as atmospheric black metal goes, this is powerful, potent stuff. Loth craft songs that rage with stormy intensity, but that also build immersive soundscapes with furious presence and grim mood-focused dynamics.

The album boasts a production that’s strong enough to provide the music with the clarity of vision that it needs to succeed, yet just harsh enough to let the band’s innate rawness shine through. Loth have put together an enviable package here, and 616 is an extremely enjoyable and satisfying record.

If you’re looking for a compelling brand of atmospheric black metal that has a viciously dark heart, then look no further than 616.

Very highly recommended.

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