Ende – L’aube des Anathèmes (Review)

Ende - L'aube des AnathèmesEnde are a French black metal band and this is their sixth album.

I always like being able to catch up with Ende’s work. If you’re unfamiliar with the band, make sure you check out 2015’s The Rebirth of I, 2017’s Emën Etan, or 2018’s Goétie Funeste, (or indeed any of their other work), and you’ll be assured of encountering an album of traditional black metal that’s worth your time. Which brings us to the 41 minutes of new material on L’aube des Anathèmes; has Ende’s quality streak continued?

Yes indeed it has.

L’aube des Anathèmes is Ende’s shortest record, narrowly clocking in under the running time of their 2012 debut Whispers of a Dying Earth. I only mention this because L’aube des Anathèmes is focused and sharp, offering little in the way of filler or fat. There is an intro track, but even this has an old-school symphonic charm that I find sets the scene well for the coming blackened onslaught of first song proper Union Triomphante.

The frozen winds blow cruelly over Ende’s latest creation. L’aube des Anathèmes is chilled to the bone with the icy touch of second wave black metal. It’s an absolutely classic formula, one that Ende have mastered. If you’ve had enough of this particular genre then this won’t be for you, but for adherents of the 90s then L’aube des Anathèmes offers so many rewards to reap.

The well-written songs exemplify the style, and Ende know exactly what they’re doing. Through a combination of frosted riffs, cold melodies, and grim atmosphere, (along with some well-rendered symphonic touches), Ende have an iron grip that holds their brand of blackened darkness firm through the furious storm that they unleash.

There’s very little to dislike here. The guitars provide aggressive riffs, mood-focused texture, and haunted melodies. The singer’s harsh screams are emphatic and envenomed, while the drums sound organic and like you can almost physically feel the beats. The way the keyboards are used is delectable; frequently providing subtle, but effective highlights, they occasionally rise to a more prominent role, and both approaches add a compelling layer to Ende’s musical manifestations.

If you’re looking for a band that play traditional 90s black metal then you can’t go wrong with Ende. L’aube des Anathèmes is one of their best albums – quite probably their best – and I heartily recommend it to you. Quite simply, it’s just a really, really enjoyable and satisfying album to listen to.

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