Torture Rack – Malefic Humiliation (Review)

Torture RackTorture Rack are a US death metal band and this is their second album

Featuring members of bands such as Dagger Lust and Witch Vomit, (among many others), Malefic Humiliation contains 28 minutes of brutal underground death metal.

Savage and nasty, this is music that’s been dredged up from the depths of the old-school and put to service in the name of butchery and grim death. Ugly and covered in filth, these songs hack and slash their way through a sea of warm flesh, and they love every last minute of it.

This is the kind of uncaring, unfashionable death metal that just revels in barbarity and carnage. It’s so hideously foul and reeking of rotten corpses that any fetid death metal fan should have loads of gory fun with this.

The songs are well-written and composed, betraying the band members’ obvious love and passion for their chosen genre. The production values match the style perfectly, and Malefic Humiliation is a very satisfying listen, both in form, structure, delivery, and content.

Simple, effective, and covered in blood, Torture Rack’s latest album will be hungrily eaten, digested, and vomited out once more many, many times over in the future.

Highly recommended.

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