Nimbifer – Der Böse Geist (Review)

Nimbifer - Der Böse GeistThis is the debut album from German black metal band Nimbifer.

I unfortunately missed this record when it came out in April, but there have been enough rumblings about it that I wanted to check it out. I’m glad I did. Der Böse Geist contains 36 minutes of raw black metal, and it’s a real underground gem.

The music on Der Böse Geist is fierce and aggressive, emanating a cold intensity that’s harshly affecting. Nimbifer excel at creating songs that exemplify the frozen blackened wasteland they roam, while also taking the time to imbue their material with a triumphant sense of infernal majesty that speaks of the Hellfire burning just below the surface.

Nimbifer deal out icy blast beats and serrated fury, but also understand the need for dark dynamics to enrich this with. The faster sections blend blackened brutality with the sort of atmospheric and melodic power that’s instantly an attention grabber. When they take their foot off the accelerator somewhat, the band allow the atmosphere to develop into an immersive form of worldbuilding that’s remarkable. The same could be said of everything here though, I suppose, as taken as a whole, Nimbifer demonstrate an easy mastery of black metal that’s both abrasive and mood-rich.

Der Böse Geist manifests as an impactful combination of grim ferocity, emotive melodic depth, melancholic atmosphere, and shadowy charismatic presence. Blazing with second wave intensity and adorned with dark atmospheric might, Der Böse Geist is really, really good. It’s the sort of black metal that just gets better and better the more you’re exposed to the frosted landscape in which it dwells, and the more you acclimatise, the more you embrace the engaging blackened textures that you find yourself surrounded by.

Essential listening for underground adherents everywhere.

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