Unaussprechlichen Kulten – Häxan Sabaoth (Review)

Unaussprechlichen Kulten - Häxan SabaothUnaussprechlichen Kulten are a death metal band from Chile and this is their sixth album.

I enjoyed 2014’s Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath and 2017’s Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X), (somehow I managed to completely miss out on 2019’s Teufelsbücher), and now Unaussprechlichen Kulten have returned with the 43-minute Häxan Sabaoth.

With both song and album lengths that have trended up over the years, Unaussprechlichen Kulten’s menacing death metal is well-rounded and engagingly dark and mysterious. Bringing together an occult concoction of dense intricacy, sinister atmosphere, brutal hostility, unearthly dissonance, spectral melody, and ritualistic darkness, these songs are strong examples of a band at the top of their game. Häxan Saboath showcases ability levels and worldbuilding skills that have been developed and improved when compared to the band’s previous work that I’m familiar with, and as much as I liked what they were offering before, this new album is Unaussprechlichen Kulten at their finest and most expansive.

I find Unaussprechlichen Kulten’s blend of aggression and mood compelling. The music boasts a lot of esoteric content, revealing a band that are not content to supply standard death metal. No, Häxan Saboath is a cut above the norm. The riffs and the melodies conspire to elevate the material alone, never mind anything else here. The band’s passion is obvious, and their capabilities of bringing death metal to macabre, atmospheric life is impressive.

Häxan Saboath is the most accomplished album I’ve heard from Unaussprechlichen Kulten. It demonstrates an easy mastery of the band’s craft. Each of the songs is a morbid powerhouse, delivering a feast of screaming leads, striking solos, and slithering riffs to our unworthy ears. Trust me, this is damn good stuff.

Very highly recommended.

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